Monday, October 31, 2011

Moved to Tumblr

That was easier than I expected.

The migration process copied my posts over, but not any comments, which is unfortunate.

I will leave the Blogger blog in place, but all new content will be on Tumblr.

As always, I welcome on-topic non-spam questions, observations, stories, and really hot smut.  You can reach me on email and IM at, at least until I migrate those off of Google as well.

Considering leaving Blogger and moving to Tumblr

It's been entirely too long since I posted here at Significantly Endowed.

A great deal has happened in the gap: I've had my heart broken, have been fallen in love with, been to Burning Man twice more, changed jobs three times.

And yes, had more fun sex.

I've heard that Google wants to shut down Blogger and merge it with their new Facebook-clone: Google Plus.  And Google Plus insists on knowing and revealing my "Real Name", which, of course, is not something I'm live with on this blog.

Thus, I think I'm going to stop using Blogger, and move over to Tumblr.

The only important issues are, do I leave this here, or do I delete this blog entirely.  Do I try to migrate the existing content over to Tumblr, or do I start from scratch there.  I really do not want to lose the stories I've already posted, and the comments by others here are precious as well.

And, of course, I will start writing again.